
SCOM翻译精品:Eli Got it Wrong - Goldratt and Resistance to Change 高德拉特博士错了----关于抗拒改变 (1/2)
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Kelvyn Youngman




 Kelvyn Youngman授权SCOM翻译,翻译:蔡晰华 Kevin



Goldratt made a mistake, and we propagate that mistake.  The mistake that Goldratt made and that we propagate is to believe that the types of change that we address are technical changes, when in fact they are adaptive changes.

· Technical change = new skill-set within an existing mind-set.

· Adaptive change = new skill-set within a new mind-set.

高德拉特博士犯了个错误,然后我们将这个错误广为传播。这个被广而告之的错误在于,我们以为所解决的改变类别是技术性改变(Technical Change),但是实际上这些属于调适性改变(Adaptive Change

· 技术性改变= 在当前的思维模式中融入一套新的技术。

· 调适性改变= 在新的思维模式中融入一套新的技术。

These are vastly different issues.


In a paraphrase of Ron Heifetz it is argued that "leader's biggest and most frequent mistake is to try to meet adaptive changes via technical means."

Ron Heifetz的文章中有这样的争议“领导者最大和最经常犯的错误是,尝试通过技术性手段解决调适性改变。”

That wouldn't be us would it?


Heifetz teaches at Harvard, but not in the Business School, rather he teaches in the John F. Kennedy School of Government.  If you want to see lieutenant's clouds by real lieutenants you might like to read his Leadership without easy answers.  If you want to help lead adaptive change you might like to read the chapter on assassination (and how to avoid it.)

Heifetz在哈佛教书,但不是在商学院,而是在政府的约翰肯尼迪学院。如果您想看到高德拉特博士引用过的中尉冲突图(lieutenants clouds在现实中的写照,可以推荐他的这本著作:Leadership without easy answers(领导力没有简单的答案)。如果您想实践调适性改变,就可以阅读里面的这个章节,关于如何避免暗杀行动。

When we use our approach to resistance to change within Theory of Constraints we are implicitly treating the whole affair as a technical issue.  This is our mistake.  I want to show you what I mean.  First, however, let's remind ourselves of the most basic of our sequence of resistance to change.  This is from Eli's My Saga (1996);

当我们采用TOC的方法来解决人的抗拒改变,我们纯粹毫无保留地—)将这件事当作技术性问题来处理。这是我们所犯的错误。我想展示所表达的意思。首先,让我们回到关于抗拒改变最根本的几个层次顺序。高德拉特博士于1996年发布的My Saga我的传奇

1. Raising problems having one thing in common – it’s out of our hands


2. Arguing that the proposed solution cannot possibly yield the desired outcome.


3. Arguing that the proposed solution will lead to negative effects.


4. Raising obstacles that will prevent the implementation.


5. Raising doubts about the collaboration of others.


I usually abbreviate this to something like; (1) we don't agree about the problem, (2)  we don't agree about the solution, (3) we have reservations, (4) there are real obstacles, and finally (5) we have unverbalized fear.  We can easily place this into a matrix, and indeed it makes a great deal more sense to do so.  You might like to sketch this out and have it at hand as we move down the page.

通常我将以上几点概括为:(1) 不同意问题的存在 (2) 不同意提出的解决方案 (3) 解决方案会产生负面效应 (4) 有现实中的障碍,最后 (5) 无法说出的恐惧。 我们按照以下的图示继续展开。


I most often start in the lower-right quadrant which contains the negatives of the current reality.  This is our disagreement over the nature of the problem and it is also our first layer of resistance.  We resolved this toward the future positive of the upper-left quadrant which contains our solution.  Disagreement over the nature of the solution is the second layer of resistance.  Resolution of this leads in-turn to three potential negative future impacts in the upper-right quadrant.  The first of these are reservations about negative outcomes that we might reasonably expect to occur if we implement the solution; this is the third layer of resistance.  We "trim" these. The second of these are real obstacles that might stand in the way of implementing our solution; this is our fourth layer of resistance.  We can work out how to overcome these.  The third and final impact is unverbalized fear - our fifth layer of resistance.  And this is where we get stuck.


Looking at the matrix, the dark grey upwards facing arrow is always the suggestion and the lighter grey downwards facing arrow is always the reaction to the suggestion.  The suggestion is always about satisfaction and the reaction is always about security.  They "talk" to each other via the horizontal impact arrows.


If we look at our approach to resistance to change we can see that fully 4/5ths of this process is given over to technical issues - layers 1-4.  Only 1/5th addresses adaptive issues - and it is unverbalized for goodness sake - layer 5.  No wonder that we have the problems that we pretend that we don't have.  And where is that last layer pointing to?  It is pointing to the present positives in the lower-left quadrant.  And we stagnate there.  And then we blame everyone else because we won't even entertain for one moment that we could be the cause of our own problem.  You know the story; "if TOC needs a solution we will invent one."  But what if we can't even see the need?


A didactic matrix sets out to teach.  The upward facing arrow teaches a solution, and it is the suggestion here.  The downwards facing arrow is the reaction to the suggestion and it is also a part of the cause of the problem that we are trying to address via the solution.  So once again, we can go around and around in a figure-of-eight.  But there is a difference here.  We, or rather they, stagnate in the lower-left quadrant of this matrix.  Stagnation is a little recognised fact of systemic clouds, and didactic matrices.  And guess what, we have nothing written there.  We have nothing written there because we don't know what to do.  And if we are not careful we will "push" or we will be perceived to be "pushing" and they will "resist" and we may as well all go home.


What we fail to recognise is that there is an adaptive challenge going on, a new mind-set is required and the old mind-set isn't too happy about this.  We can most succinctly summarise this as follows.


If we have a technical problem, then we will can trace out a solution as a reversed "Z" from status quo to problem to solution to reservation and obstacles.  And we will be able solve it in that form.  If we have an adaptive challenge, then we will slide back down from our anxieties to the current positives of the status quo and stagnate there.  That's the test.  If this is going to happen then the mechanics that are our 5th layer - the unverbalized fear - can easily be broken down into three stages: anxiety, denial and ultimately rejection.  Each of these helps to take us to take a step closer and back towards the security and comfort of the status quo.  And you know denial does a wonderful job of ignoring the present problems that we initially set out to address.  There is a name for this, it is called wilful blindness.



We pride ourselves on the fact that we are meant to be able to think clearly and to teach others to do so, and yet we are not doing a very good job of it ourselves.  We should be asking ourselves; "why do we keep returning to the status quo?"


To answer that we have to turn to Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow-Lahey's mechanism of immunity to change.  I'll do that in the next article.  We will fully addresses the adaptive challenge that our technical solution has raised - and that we are at a loss to address.

回答这个问题我们必须回到Robert KeganLisa Laskow- Lahey's 的著作mechanism of immunity to change(变革免疫力)。我将在下一篇文章来作进一步的阐述。我们将彻底地解决调适性的挑战,也就是技术性的解决方案已经呈现出来的问题---我们无所适从,不知道如何解决的问题。

To recap - go back to the first matrix above - we only really address the upwards facing diagonal of; the suggestion, the solution, and the satisfaction, and we treat this as a technical issue.  We don't address the downwards facing diagonal of; the reaction, the problem, and the security, and this is an adaptive issue.  It is also the heart of the matter



